Being 20 years old now, it's been years since I've been into any little sort of conflict or argument with another human being. But tonight that streak came to a sad end when I got verbally harassed by a grown ass man. I went for a cruise with my little brother and his pal on our skateboards, minding our own business, when an angry little man in a mini-van honked and yelled profanities at us out of his window. About five minutes later he circled back around passed us (this time without his wife in the passenger's seat) and stopped in the middle of the road with his window down, and rather than giving us youngsters a nice calm little lecture about how we should be careful and should wear helmets and various other protective gear he insisted on telling us that we shouldn't be riding on the road blahblahblah with literally every other word being 'fuck'. I eventually (after being talked at without room for response forever) was like "ok thank you we're good here, thanks man" which he got all defensive and began to raise his voice even more all OH YEAH? WE'RE GOOD HERE? STAY THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD THE ROAD IS FOR CARS FOR FUCKS SAKE FUCK FUCK FUCK I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON BUT DRIVE AROUND HARASSING HUMANS HALF MY AGE. Ok I may have added that final part but still. So the three of us just started walking away because this guy was getting way too fired up and we were just trying to chillax. He FINALLY started driving off and I said YEAH GO BACK TO IRELAND. Because I'm clever and witty and brave like that.. mistake. The dude slammed on his brakes and reversed back to us at full speed all "WHAT DID YOU GUYS SAY TO ME?! F WORD SOME MORE F F F". And suddenly got twelve times more Irish rolling his r's and using profoundly Irish terms, then my brother was like "chill out we're Irish too.. Gibson.. Irish.. chill.." to which the guy concluded that no, we weren't actually Irish and that we know nothing about Ireland and that we just definitely we not Irish. Thank man but actually we are.
ANYWAYS this grownup was the spawn of satan. A midst him yelling at me the one sentence I got in edgewise was "No, actually, the road is not just for cars. It's for vans, and trucks, and also bicycles, pedestrians, and thus skateboards" which he spitefully testified against immediately. This ideology that the road is for vehicles and vehicles only is SO crazy backwards. We live in a little town so this is unfortunately the most common notion.. meanwhile in cities like Ottawa and Toronto you'll see bike lanes galore and many signs asking you to please share the road. You wouldn't pull over to yell at someone riding their bike on the road.. or yell at someone out your window for crossing the street or walking on the curb.. odds are this guy just wanted to pick a fight with some hooligans on skateboards. Which is another total backwards ideology.. I am a 20 year old woman.. I use a board sometimes to get from point A to point B.. it is a mode of transportation not an unlawful activity. Also it's unbelievably better for the environment than your ugly ass mini-van.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Tunage: Sweet
I'm finally done work. Got all paid up and feelin' pretty awesome. Going to spend my day rolling coins from my tips this summer (which I'm hoping will cover my laundry expenses for the year), hanging out with my little dude cat friend Shylo, and listening to this tune on repeat essentially. I plan to squeeze a run in at some point but I pretty much say that every day.. so we shall see how that one goes. Cheers!
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
So this week I discovered 'geocaching' and my life has been changed. I recall my Environmental Studies professor in first year talking about it during a lecture one time, but it never really occurred to me that it would be so accessible and intriguing.. so it just went in one ear and out the other honestly. But my cousin Angee was in town for the week and introduced me to this lovely app that you can download on your iPhone called Geocaching. It cost something like $9.99 but she showed me this neat trick where I could sign in under her Apple I.D, and because she had already paid for it I could upload it onto my phone and then just sign out of her account and back into mine SO I got it for free.
So when I got off of work the other night we tried it out and it was a total blast. I suppose I'll start off by explaining what Geocaching is: it's a database on you phone that navigates to various 'caches' (it's a world-wide thing) by map and by compass. You press the 'nearby geocaches' option and it'll show you all the caches near your location by distance - starting with the closest. Some of them have hints and tips to it's basically a massive scavenger hunt that anyone can partake in. Turns out there was one that was literally a two minute walk from the coffee shop. It was located at the beach and the hint was 'you may need a stick'.. so we ended up finding it lodged between a bunch of rocks (but my hand was small enough to reach in and grab it - no stick needed). This cache was a medium size so it was in a little tupper ware container covered in duct tape and it was a take one/leave one cache. This means you got to take a little object and leave something in the box before you return it to it's little hiding place. The box contained a cough drop, wet wipes, a business card, a washer, a condom, a dime, some yarn, and a little note pad that held all of the signatures and dates of the people who had found it. We took the yarn and left a little piece of paper that I had kicking around in my purse that had a potential tattoo idea drawn onto it ehe.
Once you find a geocache you go through the app and hit the 'found it!' button where you then leave a little comment and optional photo! I got addicted after that first one so I insisted we do just one more before going home, despite the lack of daylight left.. which was none at all. So we hopped in my truck and headed to the next one. The hint for this one was 'the neighbors are watching'.. and because it lead us in between two houses, we assumed it was hidden in the little patch of forest between them and the hint was in regards to the fact that if it were daylight, the home owners would have definitely spotted us and wondered why these random girls were rummaging about their lawn. We spent a good half hour in the pitch dark in this little forest with just out cell phones for light as we were not at all prepared for this adventure. After a while, and after my cousin Brit pee'd.. we gave up and figured we'd have another go at it the next morning in the daylight. So just as we were walking back to the car I noticed a Neighborhood Watch sign by the road.. SO sure enough I peeked up into the hollow of the pole and there was a little kinder egg hidden inside. We opened it up and as this cache was considered a micro size it just contained a little slip of paper for us to sign and date. HOW CLEVER RIGHT? While we were sitting in a little circle at the side of the road signing down our names, a boy rode by on his bicycle all 'FOUND IT?' .. it turned out to be a girl that I work with's little brother and he had hidden it there a couple of years ago as they live in one of the houses at the side of the patch of trees.
Thus, needless to say, I'm absolutely obsessed with geocaching and the next day I get off of work (if any) will be spent over at Gamiing (this local hiking reserve) because there's heaps of caches hidden in there! I strongly suggest this activity for everyone of all ages.
Barista Problems V
When someone orders a hot tea whilst holding their fresh new baby in their lap and then is surprised when the child excitedly reaches for the mug thus pouring it on itself. And then blames ME. Nope. So much nope. Repressing this event now.
ALSO when someone orders a large cappuccino to go and then upon picking it up sassily comments "This doesn't feel full at all!".. Well.. it is cap.. which is really mostly foam.. which really is mostly air. Y'should have gotten a latte then LADY. P.S I blame Tim Hortons for this because they probably make false cappuccinos. Just a theory.
On the plus side though a teenage girl came into my work and told me I was really pretty and I wanted to hug the heck out of her and couldn't stop smiling for like an hour. It was nice.

ALSO when someone orders a large cappuccino to go and then upon picking it up sassily comments "This doesn't feel full at all!".. Well.. it is cap.. which is really mostly foam.. which really is mostly air. Y'should have gotten a latte then LADY. P.S I blame Tim Hortons for this because they probably make false cappuccinos. Just a theory.
On the plus side though a teenage girl came into my work and told me I was really pretty and I wanted to hug the heck out of her and couldn't stop smiling for like an hour. It was nice.

Show & Share
So I hit up Target one last time before back to school rolls around, and I left with a few little things I thought I'd share here because new things are fun. I know I like to shop vicariously through other people's shopping trips, so here!
I've been eyeballing this little bamboo serving tray for a while and I finally caved in and grabbed it. I figure it will be nice to bring my tea and toast over to my bed on when I'm writing, studying, or reading and just need that extra coziness that my desk just doesn't provide me with. It cost me just under $20.
One thing I didn't really realize that I relied upon so heavily until moving out on my own as opposed to with room mates was wooden utensils. I guess that's one thing that my roomies always had provided for me that I never got around to buying for myself so I got a little set of bamboo ones for like, $5 I reckon.
In the spirit of trying to live a more active lifestyle I got a little sports bra (yay)! I'll be honest I have NEVER owned one of these bad boys before and it will take a little getting used to. But I don't want to be fiddling around with bra straps whilst on a jog, and I've always felt like I need one for yoga for the same reason (and also because there's a lot of bending over in yoga and a sporty sports bra will lesson the likelihood of me flashing everyone in the room during downward dog). It's just a classic black one hence the no photo.
He's going to hate me for this but Kory had a little eye infection during his last visit to my apartment and I didn't get a chance to wash the pillowcases before I came home SO I splurged and invested in some new pillowcases. This way I can rotate between the two sets when one is being washed and vice verca - I've read you need to wash your pillow sheets on a weekly basis because it's better for the health of your skin so I'm going to try and get in the habit of that. Plus these ones seem super soft and comfy and they're striped. I believe they were $9.99. They're grey and white striped and t-shirt material so they're nice and soft.
THIS I am the most stoked on. I've already worn them to work and I want to go and pick up a second pair because they are the most lovely. They remind me of Clark's only significantly less pricey and not leather so that's cool. They're the perfect fall shoes and I think I shall wear them with little woolen socks. Fuck yeah. $20.
Lastly I got this concealer by Rimmel. I've been working lots thus extra sleepy thus extra puffy and dark under the eyes (my low Iron and fair skin doesn't assist in the matter either). So I'm trying out this little guy because it's called 'Wake Me Up - anti fatigue and radiant glow' which sounds nice to me I'd say. I got the lightest colour they had available. Here's hoping.
I've been eyeballing this little bamboo serving tray for a while and I finally caved in and grabbed it. I figure it will be nice to bring my tea and toast over to my bed on when I'm writing, studying, or reading and just need that extra coziness that my desk just doesn't provide me with. It cost me just under $20.
One thing I didn't really realize that I relied upon so heavily until moving out on my own as opposed to with room mates was wooden utensils. I guess that's one thing that my roomies always had provided for me that I never got around to buying for myself so I got a little set of bamboo ones for like, $5 I reckon.
In the spirit of trying to live a more active lifestyle I got a little sports bra (yay)! I'll be honest I have NEVER owned one of these bad boys before and it will take a little getting used to. But I don't want to be fiddling around with bra straps whilst on a jog, and I've always felt like I need one for yoga for the same reason (and also because there's a lot of bending over in yoga and a sporty sports bra will lesson the likelihood of me flashing everyone in the room during downward dog). It's just a classic black one hence the no photo.
He's going to hate me for this but Kory had a little eye infection during his last visit to my apartment and I didn't get a chance to wash the pillowcases before I came home SO I splurged and invested in some new pillowcases. This way I can rotate between the two sets when one is being washed and vice verca - I've read you need to wash your pillow sheets on a weekly basis because it's better for the health of your skin so I'm going to try and get in the habit of that. Plus these ones seem super soft and comfy and they're striped. I believe they were $9.99. They're grey and white striped and t-shirt material so they're nice and soft.
THIS I am the most stoked on. I've already worn them to work and I want to go and pick up a second pair because they are the most lovely. They remind me of Clark's only significantly less pricey and not leather so that's cool. They're the perfect fall shoes and I think I shall wear them with little woolen socks. Fuck yeah. $20.
Lastly I got this concealer by Rimmel. I've been working lots thus extra sleepy thus extra puffy and dark under the eyes (my low Iron and fair skin doesn't assist in the matter either). So I'm trying out this little guy because it's called 'Wake Me Up - anti fatigue and radiant glow' which sounds nice to me I'd say. I got the lightest colour they had available. Here's hoping.
Friday, 9 August 2013
'Get Your Shit Together' Year - To Do List
- Go through my entire closet and separate into 'keepsies', 'donate', and 'sell' piles (the keepsies one being the smallest).
- Become less attached to material objects like above.
- Acquire running shoes and go for jogs along the canal with Sabine.
- Take advantage of the free university gym (which isn't really free because I'm sure it's buried somewhere in my tuition payments without a doubt) but hey it's available to me so I might as well check out the treadmills this winter.
- Attend yoga classes again on a weekly basis and also do it in the comfort of my apartment.
- Drink heaps upon heaps of water.
- Be significantly more social and less introverted - but not too far outside of my comfort zone. I like being the little homebody that I am.
- Get to know each of my Professors personally and take advantage of the help they provide outside of lectures.
- Pull a good GPA.
- Not give a fuck.
- Give a little bit of a fuck.
- Become more financially stable and independent.
- Take a lot of photographs.
- Start eating outrageously healthy and start eating mainly Vegan again as I used to (no matter how cheap/easy grilled cheese and nachos may be). I'm talking smoothies every morning and Flintstones vitamins galore.
- Attend a Philosophy pub night(s).
- Ooze self-confidence and fucking sunshine.
- Skateboard more.
- Buy the majority of my fruits and veg from the market to support local vendors and straight up better produce.
- Do all of the readings in advance for all of my courses and state my input aloud in lectures. Start assignments and papers when they are assigned as opposed to the week before.
- Partake in the odd joint as I used to.
- Visit London more often (I only got down to visit Kory once last year because of work).
- Be absolutely content and happy and smile all of the time.
(Subject to be added to)
- Become less attached to material objects like above.
- Acquire running shoes and go for jogs along the canal with Sabine.
- Take advantage of the free university gym (which isn't really free because I'm sure it's buried somewhere in my tuition payments without a doubt) but hey it's available to me so I might as well check out the treadmills this winter.
- Attend yoga classes again on a weekly basis and also do it in the comfort of my apartment.
- Drink heaps upon heaps of water.
- Be significantly more social and less introverted - but not too far outside of my comfort zone. I like being the little homebody that I am.
- Get to know each of my Professors personally and take advantage of the help they provide outside of lectures.
- Pull a good GPA.
- Not give a fuck.
- Give a little bit of a fuck.
- Become more financially stable and independent.
- Take a lot of photographs.
- Start eating outrageously healthy and start eating mainly Vegan again as I used to (no matter how cheap/easy grilled cheese and nachos may be). I'm talking smoothies every morning and Flintstones vitamins galore.
- Attend a Philosophy pub night(s).
- Ooze self-confidence and fucking sunshine.
- Skateboard more.
- Buy the majority of my fruits and veg from the market to support local vendors and straight up better produce.
- Do all of the readings in advance for all of my courses and state my input aloud in lectures. Start assignments and papers when they are assigned as opposed to the week before.
- Partake in the odd joint as I used to.
- Visit London more often (I only got down to visit Kory once last year because of work).
- Be absolutely content and happy and smile all of the time.
(Subject to be added to)
Who Knew 'Selfies' Could be so Deep, Man?
So I haven't exactly been using this whole blog thing nearly as much as I had originally planned.. this is mostly because I have been working my little ass off all summer and also in part due to the fact that I'm pretty sure that no one reads this.. haha. But I've realized that this is mainly for me anyways, to get my thoughts and projects into words that I can look back on in the future and be like 'ah, so that's what I was up to when I was 20!', and if anyone else wants to read it that's totally cool, but if no one else reads it that is also totally cool.
My best friend Sabine has been writing a lot about her personal feelings on confidence and such on her blog and it really got me thinking.. and it's nice to have someone so relatable (is that a word? says the English major) so close to me.
After four straight months of working seven days a week, wearing my uniform top and hair back in a braid every single day, and dealing with sassy pants customers on the regular has just left me feeling all around exhausted and my confidence level is at an all time low. I haven't felt like myself most of the summer because I really haven't had the chance to wear my hair down (which is the way I feel most comfortable and myself) or to get all dolled up and feel all cool and whatnot.
I live in a trailer for the summer (gypsy style baby), which is a very small space to be cramped up in for months. I like cozy places and all but after a while camping and showering in a public washroom where I need to wear sandals in to avoid germies gets a little bit old. I feel so cooped up and I'm at a point where I can't wait for summer to be over so I can get back to school in Ottawa and back to my apartment where I can have my OWN space again (and my own lovely shower.. sans sandals).
I'm hoping I'll start feeling more like myself again once I'm back in Ottawa. That being said (and adding to my first point about what my friend Sabine has been saying) - I've officially deemed this year my 'GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER' year. Starting in Autumn I'm going to really start doing just that. Sabine talks a lot about trying to feel sexy again - I've always felt kind of cute I guess but never really 'sexy' and this year that changes. I need to start seeing myself as a woman now and not just some cute girl. I need to work heaps on my self confidence, self health, and self identity. This year I'm going to put my heart and soul into ME. This will be the year I figure out who I am, start eating healthy and living a more active lifestyle, putting a little more effort into my style and appearance, putting a lot more effort into my studies and writing, and just become all around independent and satisfied with who I am.
This also includes making my apartment a 100% comfy, calming, and inspiring space for me to hibernate in this winter so that I don't get that awful dead of winter blues that hits me hard every year. And, something that might sound alittle bit lot silly.. selfies. I've come to the realization that I have next to no photos of me over the past year/two... maybe even three/four. I was all up on the selfie band wagon in early high school which was when I was at my most confident point I reckon, but as I've gotten older, with each year that passes, there just seems to be significantly less and less photos kickin' around of myself (self-taken and otherwise). I have to admit I've been the one to giggle and judge someone based on the amount of 'selfies' that that take but I've come to the conclusion that they are truly really not so bad after all. I think taking frequent photos of yourself is not only a good way to remain confident about yourself but to also track how one has grown over time. I think it would be cool to look back on frequent photos to see the subtle differences over time and introspect on how you've changed and grown as an individual. Plus, how rad would it have been if your parents took selfies everyday and you could look back on their high school/college years and see how they grew and what they wore and what they were into at the time?! Pretty rad, I think. So maybe I can provide that stellar time-warp for my children some day.
My best friend Sabine has been writing a lot about her personal feelings on confidence and such on her blog and it really got me thinking.. and it's nice to have someone so relatable (is that a word? says the English major) so close to me.
After four straight months of working seven days a week, wearing my uniform top and hair back in a braid every single day, and dealing with sassy pants customers on the regular has just left me feeling all around exhausted and my confidence level is at an all time low. I haven't felt like myself most of the summer because I really haven't had the chance to wear my hair down (which is the way I feel most comfortable and myself) or to get all dolled up and feel all cool and whatnot.
I live in a trailer for the summer (gypsy style baby), which is a very small space to be cramped up in for months. I like cozy places and all but after a while camping and showering in a public washroom where I need to wear sandals in to avoid germies gets a little bit old. I feel so cooped up and I'm at a point where I can't wait for summer to be over so I can get back to school in Ottawa and back to my apartment where I can have my OWN space again (and my own lovely shower.. sans sandals).
I'm hoping I'll start feeling more like myself again once I'm back in Ottawa. That being said (and adding to my first point about what my friend Sabine has been saying) - I've officially deemed this year my 'GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER' year. Starting in Autumn I'm going to really start doing just that. Sabine talks a lot about trying to feel sexy again - I've always felt kind of cute I guess but never really 'sexy' and this year that changes. I need to start seeing myself as a woman now and not just some cute girl. I need to work heaps on my self confidence, self health, and self identity. This year I'm going to put my heart and soul into ME. This will be the year I figure out who I am, start eating healthy and living a more active lifestyle, putting a little more effort into my style and appearance, putting a lot more effort into my studies and writing, and just become all around independent and satisfied with who I am.
This also includes making my apartment a 100% comfy, calming, and inspiring space for me to hibernate in this winter so that I don't get that awful dead of winter blues that hits me hard every year. And, something that might sound a
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